Brúa Student loans

Bridging the Education Gap

Brúa is a modern, forward thinking student loan provider. As a fintech lender, we're committed to using the latest technology to provide students with the best possible borrowing experience.

But we're more than just a fintech lending company, we're also deeply committed to our customers. We believe that education is the key to a better future, and we're dedicated to helping students access the funding they need to pursue their dreams.

Making Loans Accessible
Brúa student loans are both tuition- and living expense loans that are available to all Icelandic students who plan to pursue higher education.

It is an additional option for those who need to finance their education costs and expensive studies, for example when studying abroad, or for those who wish to further their education after a few years in the labor market or alongside work. It is therefore designed as an extra choice for students to meet the increased costs of continuing education.

How to apply
To login into your account and apply click on My Account and use your electronic identification to verify your login.
After performing a payment estimate, the lender proceeds to conduct a credit score evaluation of the applicant. On my pages, you can monitor payments, communication, and view a payment schedule.

My account

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